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Int 10 Fn 08  - Video - Read Character And Attribute At Cursor Position    [V]

   AH = 08h
   BH = page number (00h to number of pages - 1) (see AH=00h)

Return: AH = charater's attribute (see below)
   AL = character

Notes: for monochrome displays, a foreground of 1 with background 0 is
   the blink bit may be reprogrammed to enable intense background colors
     using AX=1003h or by programming the CRT controller
   the foreground intensity bit (3) can be programmed to switch between
     character sets A and B on EGA and VGA cards, thus enabling 512
     simultaneous characters on screen.  In this case the bit's usual
     function (intensity) is regularly turned off.

See Also: AH=09h,AX=1003h,AX=5001h

Bitfields for character's attribute:
 bit 7 blink
 bits 6-4  background color
       000 black   100 red
       001 blue    101 magenta
       010 green   110 brown
       011 cyan    111 white
 bits 3-0  foreground color
       0000 black   1000 dark gray
       0001 blue    1001 light blue
       0010 green   1010 light green
       0011 cyan    1011 light cyan
       0100 red     1100 light red
       0101 magenta     1101 light magenta
       0110 brown   1110 yellow
       0111 light gray  1111 white

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson